Bookkeeping and Write-up Services
Because your time is valuable, Queen & Company can provide a customized engagement to help remove the burden of bookkeeping, payroll and other regulatory compliance and financial reporting.
We tailor each engagement to meet the specific needs of our clients, from simple interim compiled financial statements, to off-site bookkeeping, source document preparation and outside controllership engagements.
Often, because we are involved on a regular basis throughout the year in compiling the data used to prepare year-end tax returns and financial statements, our clients often realize significant savings on year-end tax returns and financial statement services when bundled with bookkeeping and write-up services. Additionally, we are able to make accurate interim projections of income taxes for use in the preparations of estimated income tax payments, which allows us to make sure our clients are paying only the minimum amount of income taxes required by law.
Our regular involvement helps us be proactive to our client’s needs.